A stunning seaside route along internationally known Ocean Boulevard/AIA, follows the pristine white sands of the Florida coastline...
Just across the Intracoastal Waterway at the southeastern corner of Palm Beach County lies Boca Raton's most prestigious private country club & yachting community, Royal Palm Yacht & Country Club, a secluded enclave where privacy and security are unmatched.
Renowned for embodying the best of the Florida coastal lifestyle and offering an unparalleled air of privacy, Royal Palm Yacht & Country Club is known internationally as one of Florida's most coveted Country Club communities. In fact, Forbes magazine has recognized Royal Palm on its list of "America's Most Exclusive Gated Communities."
Royal Palm is the crown jewel of Boca Raton. The 450-acre sanctuary is nestled between the Boca Raton Resort (a Waldorf Astoria property) to the north; the Intracoastal Waterway to the east; and the Capone Island nature preserve and Hillsboro River to the south.
690 custom estates span 749 original home sites in Royal Palm. Many residents have combined multiple lots to create true estate-sized compounds in styles that range from stately Mediterranean revival mansions to contemporary Florida masterpieces. There is a home for every luxury buyer in Royal Palm. Roughly one-third of the homes are located on a canal or the Intracoastal Waterway and feature dockage for vessels ranging from 50’ (15m) to over 165’ (50m).
Royal Palm offers a wide range of home styles and sizes with decreasing homes from the original building era of 1959-1978 and an increasing number of new construction offerings. This is one of only two subdivisions in Boca Raton with natural gas on every street and underground utilities.
Perhaps the most unique aspect of this subdivision is that it is nestled in and around an ultra-exclusive private yacht and country club; yet unlike every other Boca Raton country club communities, membership is not mandatory or related to a home purchase. For those who enjoy the privileges of membership at Royal Palm, world-class amenities and personal service await.
Royal Palm is ideally situated less than a mile to the beach, within ten minutes of I-95, and a stone's throw from the very best restaurants and shopping in South Palm Beach County. Private aviation enthusiasts will be delighted with the ten-minute drive time to Boca Raton International Airport.
If you value security, exclusivity and a premium experience, Royal Palm may be for you.